Dangerous Uniformity: The Threat to Diversity and Authenticity in the Food Industry

The times we live in are quite complicated. In the United States, one of the most dynamic companies in the market, King Arthur Baking Company, is experiencing firsthand the old saying that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." In short, the company not only produces and sells flour but is also involved... Continue Reading →

Bread and sex

Unfortunately, modern food myths are not too kind to bread when it comes to sex. We researched how the English-language internet perceives the relationship between bread and sex, and the results are quite disappointing: white bread kills libido. It is very likely the main cause of premature ejaculation. However, no one explains the physiological mechanisms... Continue Reading →

Gluten-free often means high glycemic index: a meta-analysis of bread recipes in the specialized literature

An increasing number of people are interested in a gluten-free diet, including those without a celiac diagnosis. The result of this consumer behavior is the emergence of literature in recent years accusing gluten-containing products of causing various metabolic disorders that deviate us from well-being. While there is accumulating evidence in the medical literature suggesting the... Continue Reading →

Revolutionizing the Food Industry: AI, Trends, and Innovations Unveiled in 2023

In 2023, we began to witness the benefits and risks of artificial intelligence as it descended from laboratories into the realm of mass consumption. What we've seen so far in terms of AI potential is likely dwarfed by what it will achieve in the future. The AI revolution inevitably reaches consumers, compelling the food industry... Continue Reading →

16 octombrie. Sărbătorim ziua mondială a pâinii cu o reflecție asupra relației dintre pâine și Dumnezeu

Pentru mine cel mai frumos citat despre pâine este o reflecție a lui Mahatma Gandhi: "Sunt oameni în lume atât de flămânzi încât Dumnezeu nu li se poate arăta decât sub formă de pâine.” Acest citat concentrează toată simbolistica pe care societatea umană a proiectat-o asupra acestui aliment, devenit, în multe religii, "toiagul vieții". Legătura... Continue Reading →

The Scent of Bread and Cruelty: Tragic Attack on a Bakery in Ukraine

The land of Ukraine smells of bread. Over 13 bakers were killed in an airstrike on a bread factory in the city of Makariv (Kyiv region). Bread, baked by these bakers in the few functioning factories in cities or by elderly individuals in traditional village ovens, remains the only fresh food sustaining the resistance of the Ukrainian... Continue Reading →

Debunking Misconceptions: The Truth About Romanian Bread Production”

A saccharine, retrograde, and disappointingly provincial editorial about Romanian bread in Adevărul. It seems that in Galați, bread "is made, just like all other industrially processed foods, from very little genuine raw material, in its case flour, and 'improvers' as much as possible ?!" ... "In the case of the average person from Galați, who... Continue Reading →

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